Genesis: The Way of Cain

April 19, 2020 Speaker: Ron Brown Series: Genesis: Foundations of the Faith

Topic: Worship Scripture: Genesis 4:1–16

Opening Prayer

Songs of worship

Scripture Reading: Psalm 81

Sermon: The Way of Cain

Genesis 4:1-16

  1. The Way of Worthless Worship (Genesis 4:3-5a)
  2. The Way of Missed Opportunity (Genesis 4:5b-9)
  3. The Way of Wandering Apart from God (Genesis 4:10-16)

Closing Song: Rock of Ages

Questions to ponder:

  1. Why did God accept Abel's offering and not Cain's?
  2. Why was a blood sacrifice necessary?
  3. What are you trusting in to make you acceptable to God?
  4. The way of Cain is to seek acceptance from God by our good works. Does that ever work? Is there ever a place for good works in a believers life? Explain.

Closing Prayer

More in Genesis: Foundations of the Faith

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March 20, 2022

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