“…to live your lives for Him, rooted and built up in Him,
strengthened in the faith as you were taught…”
Colossians 2:7
The goal of Calvary Bible Women, or CBW, is to glorify God by teaching and training women to follow the Biblical guidelines of womanhood, in the context of relationships, that reap eternal benefits in their homes, the church and our community.
Opportunities to Reach In, Up & Out
Women’s studies meets every Tuesday from 3:45-5:15 pm at the church. Childcare is available by request. Please call the church office at (208) 788-9174 to reserve childcare and check the calendar for more detailed information about the study.
Other opportunities to engage with CBW include an annual women’s retreat, hospitality and visitation, and discipleship. More CBW events can be found here.
CBW leadership can be reached via email at: CBW@CalvaryBibleWR.org