Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17

The goal of Calvary Bible Men (CBM) is to encourage the men of Calvary Bible Church to glorify and honor God in every area of life. We want to be men who know the Lord and live out a vibrant faith at home, church, work, and wherever they go in this world.

Opportunities to Reach In, Up & Out

Men’s studies are held at CBC on Wednesdays at 7am or at the Community Library on Thursdays at 5:30pm. The same material is covered in both groups so join in whichever works with your schedule.

Other opportunities to engage with CBM include annual men’s retreat, mountain biking and hiking day trips, service to widows of CBC, church yard & building maintenance, and more. Keep an eye on our calendar for upcoming events!

CBM leadership can be reached via email at: